Senior Spotlight-Jackson Wright

 When he was younger, he wanted to be a farmer, and he still does! He says he can’t live without his guns. When asked what his favorite food is, he says all foods are his favorite and there aren’t any foods that he doesn’t like. He just likes food! He doesn’t even have any pet peeves or bad habits. He is just a laid-back kid! He says something that many of us don’t know about him is that he likes to work.

Jackson has been working for himself for two years now making hay. Three words that he uses to describe himself are hardworking, kind, and cooperative. In his free time, he likes to work and hang out with Dawson. If he could travel anywhere in the world, he would like to travel to Switzerland. He would like to see the mountains and sunsets there. The three things he would like to accomplish in his lifetime are to be a successful farmer, have a family, and have a nice house. In 10 years, he sees himself on the farm.

Throughout high school, Jackson has participated in football for three years, basketball and FFA for four years, and track for two years. Football was his favorite extracurricular because he enjoyed being around everyone. His favorite memory from all of his years in school is going to the National FFA Convention. His favorite memory of senior year was, “When Auston spilled a bucket of paint on the playground.” Jackson’s favorite teacher was Mrs. Himmerich. His favorite class was Ag because Auston was in it! Jackson said that if he ever needed to get out of an assignment for one reason or another, he and his classmates would just bring up something that the teacher liked and they would talk about it for the class period and not have to turn their work in. He only did that on a few rare occasions though!

After graduation, Jackson is going to miss seeing his friends every day. The most valuable lesson that Jackson learned in school was to work hard. His most challenging task as a senior has been trying to figure out what to do after school. His advice to underclassmen is to pay attention in all classes.

Jackson would like to pursue something in ag in the future.