Senior Spotlight- Emily Williams

Emily is the daughter of Jodi Williams. She has three siblings; Nathaniel, Lillian, and Melodie. Her favorite activity to do with her family is having movie nights. She has worked as a babysitter and house cleaner for four years. Three words that Emily uses to describe herself are determined, independent, and considerate. Something that not many of us know about Emily is that she loves riding horses and taking care of them. She equally loves motorcycles and loud trucks! In 10 years, Emily sees herself living in Sioux Falls working for the police department or the Highway Patrol.

Emily’s most valuable possession is her oral interp medals. She says, “They are a good reminder of all that I have accomplished over the years.” Her greatest accomplishment is making it to State Oral Interp three times. The person Emily admires the most is Mrs. Preheim. She says, “She has amazing patience with us and is super chill, but also knows how to put us in our place when needed.” If Emily could travel to one place in the world, she would go to Japan. The three things that Emily would like to accomplish in her lifetime are to travel out of the country, publish her poetry book(it’s half-finished at this point), and raise her family on a ranch.

During high school Emily was involved in Oral Interp - 6 years, FCCLA - 5 years, Track- 2 years, and One Act Play for 2 years. Hanging out with kids in other grades while going to extracurricular activities were some of Emily’s favorite memories from her days in school. Oral Interp was her favorite extra-curricular activity. She says it gave her the chance to meet people from other schools, build confidence, and polish her public speaking skills. Homecoming was one of Emily’s favorite memories from her senior year. She liked the parade, the activities throughout the week, and getting to make some great memories. If Emily could have done one thing differently in high school, she would have gotten her knee injury checked out sooner, so she didn’t miss so many track seasons.  Her favorite teacher throughout school was Mrs. Fritz. She said she only had her for her senior year, but Emily thought Mrs. Fritz was so welcoming, easy to talk to, really listened and encouraged her to make and follow her goals. Art was her favorite class because, “The class was super laid back and chill, you get to talk with your classmates as you turn your imagination into something amazing.”

Emily’s most challenging task as a senior was keeping up with English class while being gone for all the extra-curriculars. She said her most valuable lesson she has learned is to never give up, she says giving up is the first step towards failure. She was taught to keep pushing forward, even if it’s baby steps. After she graduates she is going to miss hanging out with the lower classmen during their study hall periods and playing card games with her classmates.  The advice that she would give to underclassmen is to not get overwhelmed with her homework. She encourages them to ask a teacher for an extension if needed and not to rush through, just to get it turned in. She says it is better to take your time and learn it.

Emily’s future plans are to get her Law Enforcement Degree.