Senior Spotlight-Emma Brewer

Emma Brewer is the daughter of Sarah Hemmer. She has four siblings; Ian, Ashleigh, Owen, and Hudson. Game nights are her favorite activities to do with her family. Emma admires her mother the most because “she has raised five amazing kids without any help.”  Her most valued possession is her books because she loves her books and loves to read! She has worked at Subway since she was a freshman and is now a manager! She has worked at Blue Jays since the beginning of her senior year. She has many different duties at both jobs!

Emma’s favorite food is sushi and her least favorite food is mushroom. Something that many don’t know about Emma is that she was bullied in her old school and that is why she came to Colman-Egan. If she had the opportunity to travel to any place in the world, she says she would go to Cancun, because she loves the beaches and going to new places. The main thing she wants to accomplish in her life is to graduate from college. If she only had one wish, her wish would be to be successful. In 10 years she sees herself working at Avera as a pediatric nurse.

During school, Emma has been involved in softball for two years. It is her favorite extra-curricular because softball is her favorite sport. Her most valuable lesson she learned from a teacher or coach is, “not to let people see how mad or upset you are because that means they are winning.” Her favorite class at Colman-Egan was English. When asked who her favorite teacher was she couldn’t choose between Mrs. Milbrandt, Ms. Dockter, or Mrs. Himmerich. She enjoys working with all of them. Her favorite memory of all her days at CE is going to watch State Volleyball every year the girls made it. Her favorite memory as a senior is when the entire class plays hacky sack during SRP.

Emma’s most challenging task as a senior has been her senior project. If she could do one thing differently in her high school career she would have tried harder and put more effort into her science classes. She will miss her teachers the most after she graduates and the advice that she would give to underclassmen is to actually try.

Emma plans on attending Northern State University for nursing.