Senior Spotlight- Tyce Ryan

Tyce Ryan is the son of John and Leandra Ryan. He has two siblings, Taylor and Tessa. Something that Tyce really admires about his family is that they are all very hardworking. The people that he admires most are his Grandpa Chuck and Charlie. Tyce admires the fact that both worked very hard to be successful, and he hopes someday he can do that as well.

Tyce is already a hard-working kid! He has worked for his dad doing construction for the past eight summers. He does all kinds of things like setting up forms and finishing concrete. If Tyce could travel to one place in the whole world, he would travel to Ireland because he has always wanted to see Dublin. In his lifetime, the three things he wants to accomplish are having a good job, owning a house, and having a family. His one wish in life is, “That all my dreams come true.”

Some fun information about Tyce is that steak is his favorite food, but he is not a fan of pickles! He tends to have a bad habit of biting his nails. In his free time, he likes to ride quads and snowmobiles. One item that he couldn’t live without is a car/pickup. His most creative excuse he has ever used to get out of a homework assignment during school was, “I locked my keys in my car and my assignment is in there.”

Tyce has been busy throughout his high school career. He has been involved in basketball and track for four years, cross country for three years and football for one year. An accomplishment that he is proud of is that he has been on the varsity basketball team all four years. Cross country was the extra-curricular activity that he enjoyed the most. He said he made a lot of memories with his friends during his time in cross country. Tyce skipped his junior year of cross country, and he said that is one thing he would have done differently in his high school career, he would have gone out that year.

Mr. Deutch has been Tyce’s favorite teacher throughout school. He says that he is really good at explaining confusing subjects. His favorite class is Government, not just because Mr. Deutsch is his teacher, but because he just finds it interesting. Tyce has lots of great memories of his days in school, but the one that stands out the most was during an 8th grade basketball game when he scored 34 points. He was pulled up after that game and thought that was cool! He said some really good advice he received from a coach was when Coach Jerry Carr told him, “Shooters shoot.”

 As his senior year winds down, he says his favorite memory from this year has been all the fun talks he has had with Josh and Pimentel.  He says his most challenging task as a senior has been staying motivated to keep working hard. In 10 years he sees himself working for his grandpa, being an auctioneer and a realtor. His advice to underclassmen is, don’t procrastinate, get involved with sports or even a job so you have something to do when you are not in school.

Tyce plans to get his real estate license through STI and follow up with a business management degree from Dakota State.