Senior Spotlight- Jonathon(Jonny) Keyes

Jonny is the son of Jeff and Jennifer Keyes. He has four siblings Nick, Tye, Becca & Josie. Jonny admires his parents the most because they are the ones that made him who he is today. His favorite family activity is playing card games around the holidays. Jonny has spent the last two summers working at the Colman pool as a lifeguard.  In 10 years Jonny sees himself coming back to Colman, having a family with some close friends, and being a physical therapist.

If Jonny could travel to one place in the whole world, he would want to go to Hawaii. He thinks it looks like a cool place to check out! In his free time, he likes hanging out with friends. He isn’t sure if he has any pet peeves or bad habits, but he knows one thing that he can’t live without is a shower! His favorite food is good chicken, and his least favorite food is bad chicken. One thing that Jonny doesn’t think many know about him is that he doesn’t dislike anybody too much, even if it comes off that he does.

Jonny’s most valued possession is all the things he has learned. When asked why this was his most valued possession, he says it’s because nobody can take that away from him. If he had one wish, he said he would like to be a freshman again. The three things that Jonny wants to accomplish in his lifetime are: having a big close family, finish college, and make more friends while staying friends with some of his high school friends.

Jonny has been involved in basketball and track for all four years of high school, and football and NHS for two years. Football was the extracurricular activity that he enjoyed the most because he liked being with the team and hitting. His favorite memory from senior year was Homecoming Week. Mr. Deutsch was Jonny’s favorite teacher because he taught him about the world. His most valuable lesson came from Mr. Williamson. He let Jonny know what hard work is and that it pays off. Ms. Dockter’s math class was his favorite, because she always liked to know what was going on around the school and he and his classmates liked to fill her in. Jonny said his favorite thing to do to get out of work in Mrs. Himmerich’s class was talk to her about the Packers the whole class period so they didn’t get an assignment.

The most challenging task as a senior has been staying on top of college stuff and high school stuff at the same time. If Jonny could do one thing differently in his high school career he would go out for football all four years. Jonny says that he is going to miss being with his classmates every day after he graduates. His advice to underclassmen is, “Sports aren’t everything. Don’t blink!”
Jonny plans on going to USD for Kinesiology and Sports Management: Specialization in Exercise Science.